Stud Dogs
The following list shows a selection of dogs that their owners feel are suitable to be used at stud.
Dogs listed are not necessarily endorsed by the British Manchester Terrier Club (BMTC).
Dogs are listed to further help people in the search for a stud dog.
If you are considering breeding from your bitch then you can check the inbreeding coefficient via the Kennel Club Website’s Kennel Club Inbreeding Coefficient (COI) Calculator.
All dogs on this list have been tested for Von Willebrands Disease (vWD) or are confirmed as being clear by parentage. More information about vWD can be found on the health page. Please do not breed with your dog without knowing the vWD status of both parents. If you breed with a dog of carrier status then you must DNA test all the puppies.
Plantocracy Dapper Dexter | Chantelle Swart | Cambs | 07982 708660 | | No | yes |
Rattustrap Zircon | Rachel and Garry Minnikin | Selby | | No | Yes | |
Ch Talanors Time for Magic | Doreen Barlow | Leyland | | no | yes | |
Exdraco Tony Wilson | Jane Aspden | Ashton under Lyne | tel: 07739339348 | | No | |
Multi Ch Thunder Dragon Declan | Sandy Krijgsveld | Holland | Tel: 0031 229 235757 | | Yes | |
Erkenwyne Othello at Rosettia | Vicki Sharpe | Lincoln | Tel: 07985 184527 | | Yes | |
Simjest Serious Moonlight | Suzanne Smith | West Yorkshire | Tel: 07889 647554 | | Yes | |
Ire & Aus Ch DixieDaly Doc Holliday | Ms Claire Murphy | Ireland | Tel: 353 87 066 9573 | | No | |
Brockenella Hector Von Clanmarshal ShCm | D Gray & W Travis | Scotland | Tel: 07714408447 | | Yes | |
Plantocracy Bold Bruce JW | Louise Plant | West Midlands | Tel: 07914361995 | | Yes | |
Redrose Trail Blazer | Carole Greenall | Manchester | Tel: 07875213633 | No | ||
Ch Millacome Made in Heaven | Jill Buxton | Bristol | Tel: 07779 403306 | | yes | |
Ch Talanors Diamond N' Dreams Avec Janmark JW ShCM | Mark Walshaw | Cleveland | Tel: 01287 652860 / 07780 950843 | | Yes | |
Eaglespur Irving Stone with Junetta (Imp NLD) | Mrs Annette West | South West | Tel: 07944 101127 | | Yes | No |
Ch Talanors Time for Fun ShCHx | Frank Warner | Wiltshire | Tel: 07840318175 | | No | Yes |
To advertise your stud dog on this page please contact the BMTC by email
The Stud Dog owner should be aware that their moral responsibility for any resulting puppies does not start and finish at the mating. We hope that the following may be of assistance in making an informed decision on whether to make your boy available for Stud.
Thinking of asking for your boy to be added to the Stud Dog List? It is both flattering and exciting to be approached by a bitch owner who would be interested in employing the services of your boy, but allowing your dog to be used at Stud is not without risk. The proposed mating should be thoroughly researched, and due consideration should be given both to the suitability of the mating and care taken to abide by the KC and BMTC rules.
Have you considered the effect that being used at Stud will have on your boy? Are you prepared to assist with a tricky mating? Are you happy for prospective puppy owners to contact you for information, help and advice in the future?
A Stud Dog owner should take measures to satisfy themselves that the Code of Ethics will be followed. Check on the KC website for the age and health status of the bitch and how many litters she has whelped. Find out if there are any health concerns in her pedigree, and if she has been bred from before were there any complications in the mating or the pregnancy. Work out the Inbreeding Coefficient (COI) of the proposed mating and compare it with the breed average. Ask the owner of the bitch if they have carefully read the Contract the breeder of the bitch gave to them at time of purchase, and do also check with the breeder yourself that there is no breeding restriction on the bitch. Inexperienced owners do not always appreciate the consequence of endorsements, and no-one wants to end up with puppies that cannot be registered with the KC. When she arrives for the mating she should look in good health, if not you should be confident enough to cancel at that late stage. Finally, there should be a clear contract in place detailing the fee, and what happens if there are no puppies to avoid misunderstandings, signed by both parties.
Stud Dog List Disclaimer
The BMTC provides the stud dog lists in order to facilitate communication between members.
The BMTC has made every effort to insure the accuracy of the information listed here. The stud lists are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, expressed or inferred.
In no event shall the BMTC be held liable for any incidental or consequential damages, loss, or any indirect damages, even if the BMTC has been informed of the possibility thereof.
The BMTC cannot guarantee the quality of stud dogs offered by the members listed; however, all listed breeders and stud dog owners are members of the BMTC, which is the only official British Kennel Club parent club for the breed in the UK. All BMTC members have signed and agreed to the club’s Code of Ethics. Prospective stud dog choosers are cautioned that the BMTC, in providing this list, is not endorsing any particular stud dog, and takes no responsibility for the actions of owners on this list.
For more info from the KC click on the following link.